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Networks and Graph Theory - Minimum spanning trees.
Summary of steps for applying Kruskal's algorithm.


Kruskal's algorithm finds a minimum spanning tree for a connected weighted graph:

Step 1: In a table of 2 columns, write down the letters for the edge of smallest weight and the weight - here that is BD with a weight of 1.
BD 1
Step 2: Write down the letters for the edge of next smallest weight and the weight. Here there are four edges each with a weight of 2 (AB, BE, CF and EF) so write them all down in any order.
BD 1
AB 2
BE 2
CF 2
EF 2
Step 3: Continue listing edges in ascending order of their weight.
BD 1
AB 2
BE 2
CF 2
EF 2
CE 3
DE 3
AD 4
BC 4
Step 4: Prepare a basis for the new network by copying the vertices into the approximate position they have in the original network diagram.  
Step 5: Start with the smallest edge in the table (the one you wrote down first BD) and draw a line between those vertices in your new diagram.  
Step 6: Continue to draw edges in ascending order of weight in your table until all vertices are included. Do NOT include an edge if it will create a cycle.